AWS Summit Milan 2023

Lorenzo Panzeri
4 min readJul 16, 2023


This post comes late, these are busy days but I wanted to share my first experience at a Tech Conference.

I was really excited to attend this event, I scheduled as more Tech Talks as possible in the calendar and I am really satisfied about the overall situation.

Keynote was amazing and boldly affirms the plans that AWS has for Italy. We got the eu-south-1 Milan region and we get more and more attention from AWS because, step by step, our industry is moving to the cloud.

Fincantieri, presented by the CIO Pierantonio Azzalini, that is proudly an Italian company leader in building advanced and technological ships, for military or commercial use relies on AWS to keep the shipyard running and their tech at the cutting edge.

D-Orbit represented by the CEO & Founder Luca Rossettini, did an amazing speech about the Space Logistic solution that they are building. I am really proud to see that there is “space for Space” also here in Italy: I am intrigued by what SpaceX is doing and finding out that we have such a pioneer in Space Logistic so near is amazing.

After the Keynote, the first Breakout session that I attended was about Hera S.P.A. speaking about their centralized logging infrastructure with AWS OpenSearch because to me is still a difficult topic to understand from my developer perspective.

Another interesting speech was at the Startup Loft, where ShippyPro and Prima explained how their infrastructure has evolved during their growth and scale-up path leveraging serverless and containerization.

But right after my attention was all for Sky illustrating their voting system for X-Factor that relies on serverless approach.

Limited hours of activity and realtime spikes of traffic during a live tv show: can you imagine a better showcase for serveless?

The separation of services was also an interesting topic, they had to improve the performance right before the go-live and they were able to do it because the impact was on a single service, leaving others without changes and avoiding unexpected regressions.

There is room for serverless also in financials services: Firstance explained us how they built their microservice ecosystem relying on the elasticity of serverless an it’s fast time-to-market.

The last speech I attended was the road of Infocert from legacy DataWareHouse to a moder LakeHouse platform that allows their business to leverage and empower the huge amount of data that they handle.


I finally managed to attend a Tech Conference, it may sound strange but for me it’s a milestone. The way we look at developers, as coding machines that have to produce a solid ratio of lines of code per hour, completely ignoring that real engineering work cannot been measured with this poor metric.

Developers have to stay up-to-date, they need to be part of the community. This adds value in the company where they work because our job has a component of creativity and maybe that idea that you can hear during a Tech Talk can fit perfectly your business needs, now or in the future.

A relaxed developer can be a more valuable asset than a crunched one, even if the first “work” less hours in front of a monitor.

In the future I want to attend more Tech Conferences and be part of the Tech Community… and maybe do my first speech :)

Thank you for reading,





Lorenzo Panzeri

Passionate Developer - Compulsive learner - Messy maker